University of Džemal Bijedić

Universities in Mostar

The citizens of Mostar wanted the memory of Džemal Bijedić to permanently remain in their town, and as a sign of gratitude for all that he had done for Mostar, they decided to name the University in Mostar, “The Džemal Bijedić” University in Mostar.

Founded in 1977, this University became one of the pillars of the development of the Herzegovina region.

This University has the mission to organize a wide range of educational processes of different contents and levels, to perform theoretical, applied and emerging scientific research, to become one of the leaders in the education of young experts necessary for the development of economy and society, as well as to promote cultural and social development of our region and country.

What programs and studies does this University offer?

Today University consists of eight faculties: Agro-Mediterranean Faculty, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Economy, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Information Technologies, Faculty of Law, and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Study programs are organized according to the Bologna principles. Students come mostly from Herzegovina and mid-Bosnia, but also from the rest of the country.

Additional University capacities include Institute of engineering, Institute for design and testing of materials and construction, Educational center, the International Centre for Philosophy, Institute for economic development, Institute of Biology and Chemistry, University Library, Multimedia Centre, International  Relations Office, Quality Assurance Office, Centre for biotechnology and Centre for Career Development.

This University organizes a wide range of educational processes of different contents and levels, to perform theoretical, applied and emerging scientific research, to become one of the leaders in the education of young experts necessary for the development of economy and society, as well as to promote cultural and social development of our region and country.

In case you have missed it, read our previous post - Mostar the city of students.

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