shopping malls in mostar-min
Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Mepas Mall in Mostar

April 11, 2017 Tour Guide Mostar 0

This summer Balkan`s hottest emerging destination was the city of Mostar, situated on the south of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Alongside the many historical sites and beautiful architecture, this city also offers shopping malls for fashion […]

Blogger from Egypt in Bosnia-min

Bloggers in Mostar: Ginan Rauf

March 30, 2017 Tour Guide Mostar 0

As we go more and more into research about traveling and tourism, we realize that thousands of people share the passion for traveling and exploring the unknown.From day one the Tour Guide Mostar journey has […]

Social Media

Google Tour Guide

February 2, 2017 Tour Guide Mostar 0

Today in the world of fast growing internet media and knowledge, the Google Company is the undisputed star. This American multinational technology company is specializing in Internet-related services and products that include online advertising technologies, […]