–One 4-4.5 pound boneless shoulder meat, cut into medium-size chunks
–5 Yukon gold potato, peeled and roughly chopped (about 1 cup)
-5 carrots, peeled and roughly chopped
-3-4 garlic cloves, roughly chopped
–2 shallots, diced
-1 tablespoons dried oregano (3 tablespoons fresh oregano)
–1 tablespoon dried parsley (3 tablespoons fresh parsley)
–2 sprigs fresh rosemary
–1 sprig fresh thyme (1 teaspoon dried)
–2 bay leaves
–2 tablespoons sea salt
–1-2 tablespoons olive oil
–2 cups lamb broth or water
Preheat an oven to 325° F.
Use a paper towel to pat the meat dry. If using a whole roast, cut it into medium-size chunks.
In a large, deep-bottomed roasting pan, place the meat then surround it with potatoes, carrots, garlic and shallots. Add the salt, then all the fresh and dried herbs. Sprinkle the meat with salt then drizzle with olive oil. Pour the broth into the bottom of the pan.
Cover the pan and place in the middle of the oven. Cook for 1.5 hours, or until meat reads at least 165°F. For meat to brown remove the cover and let cook for an additional 10-15 minutes.
Let the meat rest, covered, for about 10 minutes before serving. Use a slotted spoon to serve on a platter, if you prefer not to serve with the liquids.
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