5+ of the funniest reactions to United Airlines Violently Dragging A Man Off A Plane


If you are thinking of taking a flight via United Airlines somewhere within the United States of America you might want to think twice. United Airlines is currently weathering a huge storm of a media controversy after disturbing video footage.  The video shows United Airlines Passenger who was forcibly removed from overbooked flight from Chicago to Louisville, US.

Since this happen, the Internet has been ruthlessly trolling United Airlines with funny posts on social media platforms as facebook and twitter. Scroll down to see some of our favorite funny reactions to United Airlines  violently dragging a man off a plane:

#1 Southwest Airline’s New Slogan

united airlines competitors

#2 While people are getting violently removed of anUnited flight, I got upgraded to business class on a Emirates Flight when my flight got overbooked


#3 Let’s hope this flight is overbooked too

Donald Trump

#4 Yo Adrian

united airlines in united states

#5 Not the travel experience I expected – Fight or flight


#6 New slogan


#7 New slogan

united airlines new slogan

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