Adventure sport in Mostar : Paragliding

Paragliding in Mostar

Paragliding is one of aviation sports and also competitive and recreational sport. It is one of the extreme sports originated in France in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It was created by the mountaineers and climbers looking for the simplest and easiest way to lower into the valley after heavy climb.

In the last few years it has become quite popular in Mostar and paragliders always attract numerous views of citizens who decide to try out at this sport. Until recently, our paragliders took off in almost impossible conditions, in the rocks, but this has changed and now they have taken care of the airfield and landing which greatly facilitate the requirements of lovers of adrenaline sports.

Due to this, today there is the one active club called Paragliding club ‘Extreme’. It is registered sports flying company whose idea of gathering flyers and first organized flights of several enthusiasts of this city by the end of the ‘90 s laid the foundations of this exciting, unusual and a wider range of people unknown sport. However, over time, with enormous commitment of those same individuals ideas are gradually taking shape with the help of financial injections sponsors whole concept is being erected on the club level which reflects the accelerated development and increased interest in the sport, club and events related to both.

Except them, there is a Sport Club ‘SportEro’ which boasts a variety of sports activities, but most attention is being attracted to paragliding. Branch paragliding and SK Sporter improves their capacities and exercises to the best possible level, so they can present this type of sport that fulfils the ancient human desire of heights.

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