Traditional Turkish Houses in Mostar, remains of Ottoman period


Many remains of the Ottoman period in Bosnia and Herzegovina are still fully preserved; such is the case with the picturesque Ottoman houses in Mostar.

Tour Guide Mostar brings you three traditional Ottoman houses in Mostar.

  1. Kajtaz House

The Kajtaz house belongs to urban residential architecture of the Turkish period. This is probably the most beautiful residential complex with a house for men and a house for women. High walls protect it from the sun and prevent the views from outside. This house was built from stones and wood.

The floors in the rooms are covered with valuable carpets and there is a library with numerous valuable books written in Arabic.

Today the house is open for visitors.

  1. Bišćević House

The Bišćević House is locally called “Bišćevićev ćošak”. The house dates back from the 1635. and it is located in the Bišćević street, on the bank of the Neretva river.

The house has a ground floor and one floor above where the divanhan room is located. In the courtyard there is one separated room which served as a kitchen.

The courtyard represents the typical Bosnian avlija, which was a symbol of family life, culture and heritage. For a long time, avlija was a mirror of the culture and work habits of the host and hostess. If the place exuded freshness, peace and purity, it was a sign that hosts were virtuous people. In case you have missed it, read the whole story about Avlija, the house courtyard full of Bosnian tradition.

Today this house is considered as one of the Bosnian national monuments.

  1. Muslibegović House

The Muslibegović House is also Bosnian national monument. The Muslibegovics represent a noble lineage in Hercegovina, a where its members were governors for many centuries.  Members of this noble family establish themselves in Mostar at the end of the 17th century following the fall of  Herceg-Novi the to the Venetians in 1687.  At that time, the Muslibegovic is owned property all over Herzegovinia and continue to exert substantial influence over social and political affairs in the region.

The monument complex includes a residential building and two courtyards, including the surrounding walls with entrance gateways, and movable property. Some of its most valuable exhibits include the manuscript of the Qur’an made by Sami (a pupil of Hajji Hafiz Muhamed Sevkije), levhas from 1855, and a decorated sabre from 1866.

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