Turkish architect Selda Turasan amazed by Mostar`s architecture

We are proud to tell the story about the architect from Istanbul, Selda Turasan who visited Mostar with her daughter. This very kind, friendly and communicative woman got in touch with us over our Instagram profile.

Two days ago Mostar’s symbol the ‪Old Bridge lit up in the colours of the Turkish national flag for solidarity with ‪Turkey and its citizens in these hard times.

Our hometown has always had a good friendly relationship with Turkish people who also help during the reconstruction period. Read more about the reconstruction of the Old Tow in Mostar in our previous post.

We are proud to tell the story about the architect from Istanbul, Selda Turasan who visited Mostar with her daughter. This very kind, friendly and communicative woman got in touch with us over our Instagram profile.

During our chats, she stated that she was amazed by the architecture of the Old Bridge and enjoyed seeing lots of details in the Old Town. We can safely say that her visit to Mostar satisfied her professional curiosity about the development of architecture in this region.

We would like to thank Selda Turasan very much for her help and hope that she will visit Mostar again on her travel path.

Here are her words and impressions about Mostar:

Nevatra Nehrinin zümrüt rengi suları üzerinde muhtesem ,mimarlık harikası : Mostar Köprüsü.Bu güzellik karşısında hayranlık duymamak mümkün değil.Eğer henüz görmediyseniz seyahat programınıza mutlaka almalısınız.

1566 yılında Mimar Sinan ‘nın öğrencisi Mimar Hayreddin tarafından yapılmıştır.BoÅŸnak dilinde “Stari Most” olarak adlandırılan köprünün yapımında 456 taÅŸ kullanılmış.Yapım harcında yumurta ve keçi kılı kullanılan köprü tek kemerli , iki ayak arası açıklığı 28.59 metre geniÅŸliÄŸinde ve 20 metre yüksekliÄŸindedir.TaÅŸ korkulukları arası geniÅŸlik 4.05 metredir.Ãœst döşemesi kademelidir.Bu özelliÄŸi sayesinde yayalar rahatlıkla geçebilmektedir.

9. Kasım.1993 ‘ de yıkılan köprü 2004 yılında eski halinde inÅŸa edilmiÅŸ ve 2005 yılında Dünya Mirası listesine eklenmiÅŸtir.


The Old Bridge was designed in 1566 by architect Hayreddin who was the student of architect Sinan. 456 bricks were used in the bridge`s structure which is called “Stari most” in Bosnian language.

Eggs and goat hair were used in the construction of the feet of the Bridge. The gap between the bridges two feet is 28.59 meters width and 20 meters height.

The width between its stone railings is 4.05 meters. Pedestrians can easily cross the bridge because of its quality.

The bridge was added to the World heritage List in 2005. after being rebuilt in 2004. because of the devastation that took place on 9th November 1993.

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