Herzegovinian doughnuts


Since the cuisine in Bosnia and Herzgeovina is balanced between Western and Eastern influences, many tourists who visit our country find the food here to be irresistible.

Traditional food is often prepared with meat, and meals are plentiful and delicious. The meat is of extraordinary quality, often organic, and well prepared. Meat is the ingredient of some of the most popular Bosnian dishes such as Bosnian pot, chevaps, bey soup, burek  and beans soup.

The meat delicacy prosciutto is among the favorite meals in Herzgeovina but it has the best taste when combined with traditional Herzegovinian doughnuts.

Doughnuts (uštipci) are among the simplest type of food in the local cuisine of Herzegovina. They are made out of dough similar to bread dough but is has the consistency similar to that of butter.

UÅ¡tipci are best served together with sheepskin cheese, kajmak, prosciutto and a glass of red wine.

Making them is quite easy since there are only a few ingredients: flour, salt, water, yoghurt and some women put an egg. Each housewife has her own variation of the recipe; some also use yeast or baking powder, while others use milk or milk whey.

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