Life of herders in Blidinje


The Blidinje Nature Park is located in Herzegovina in the high mountains of central Dinarides, and covers an area of mountain ranges ÄŒvrsnica and Vran.

Due to geomorphological characteristics, the wealth of wildlife and beautiful landscapes, Blidinje was declared a nature park since 30th March 1995.

In a unique natural complex that contains many endemic species of flora and fauna about 1,500 of plant species were recorded, of which more than 200 are endemic.

Life in Blidinju for some people means happiness, joy and being one with nature. This is the case with Velimir Ćavar from Široki Brijeg, who replaced the city life with beautiful mountain and now he lives of doing livestock and agriculture.

His whole life, Velimir has been Blidinje and he has been a witness of tourist revival of the Blidinje Ski and Nature park. He believes in organic agriculture and respects its principles, so he grows fruits and vegetables without pesticides and artificial fertilizers.

Every day starts with a stable, morning milking of animals and the evening also ends with a stable – night milking. Other everyday tasks and obligations depend on the season.

In case you have missed it, read our previous post – Goat cheese in Blidinje.

In the spring, they do preparations for planting and sowing in agriculture while in summer, works are done to keep agriculture and collecting of hay is done. In the fall comes the collecting fruits for the winter, and in winter the goats are in the barn all day so they need to be fed three times a day.

Velimir says that he does everything with the help of his family, his wife, parents and brother.


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