Madame Tussauds Istanbul 2017

Madame Tussauds Istanbul 2017-min

In the early 19-th century, a 42 year old Marie Gresholtz touched base in London ,with her four-year-old child and three wax statues.  The son was the product of a short-lived marriage to one  Tussaud; the three Sleeping Beauties were part of her inheritance, left by her guardian  Curtius,  sculptor extraordinaire.

Madame Tussaud had lived in the company of wax since she was six.

Thousands  and thousands of people have flocked through the doors of Madame Tussauds museums since they first opened over 250 years ago and it remains just as popular as it ever was. There are many reasons for this enduring success, but at the heart of it all is good, old-fashioned curiosity.

In 1884, several decades after her death, Madame Tussaud’s wax museum moved to its current location on London’s Marylebone Road, where millions have stood in queue for hours to get a glimpse at her work and that of her successors.

A Madame Tussauds wax museum in Istanbul cares  a collection of wax sculptures representing famous people from history and contemporary personalities exhibited in lifelike poses, wearing real clothes.

Tour Guide Mostar visited Madame Tussauds Wax Museum and here are our first impressions…


The Madame Tussauds wax museum in Istanbul is a great places for all of you who want to see wax sculptures representing famous people from history and contemporary and definitely something different. Characters  are excellent and look original.  The activities they have in the museum make the visit interesting as it is not limited to wax work such as the Steve Jobs quiz!

The waxworks are modern and include Leonardo Da Vinci, Mozart, Angelina Jolie, Shrack…

Allow at least 3+ hours to really visit the waxworks and enjoy the trip… and do not forget to Book it online !

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