The new year is sneaking up on us. It’s time to start thinking about what your resolutions will be.  Once the new year hits health is the top item that graze the lists of people trying to make big changes in their lives.
In our office we are huge fans of planning ahead, to make sure we make the best of our valuable time. Today we are sharing a few of our favorite tips on how to improve your  life in the new year. Are you ready? Here we go…
- Schedule in the fun
Don’t let your work and “to-do†list run your entire life. We often schedule in nearly every hour of our days in order to catch up on life and get things done. Doing this, we  watch our days and lives pass us by without doing enough of the things that we find fun. Instead, make it a point to schedule in fun activities like dinner and drinks with a friend.
2. Learn and practice a new creative skill
If you want to be good at something you must practice. If you wish to be the best you must practice a whole lot. To help yourself succeed, plan to learn a few new skills this year – but never try to do it all at once. One step at a time is the best way to go.
3. Connect with your body and your soul
It´s your job to nurture your soul and fulfill it´s needs. No one else can do it for you! A stressful life in the fast lane often makes for a sad and lonely soul. Slow down your tempo and make time to breathe.
4. Eat better food
Skip the fast food and all that processed sugar and start eating more whole fruits and vegetables. Cook more of your meals at home so that you can ensure that what you’re eating is the best version of food that it can be.
5. Accept and love yourself
Last but not least; forgive yourself for everything and anything! You can´t change your past, and if you keep looking at the past, and regretting things you´ve done or not done – you will reduce your chances of happiness TODAY.
If you are ready to make some changes in 2017 to improve the quality of your life start now!
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