Greek Independence Day


On the National Independence Day, Greeks mark the anniversary of the beginning of the revolution for liberation from the Ottoman Empire March 25, 1821.

In 1821 the Greeks rebelled against the Ottoman Empire which occupied Greece nearly 400 years, which eventually led to the war for independence.


Bishop Germanos of Patras raised the Greek flag at the monastery of Agia Lavras, and it is speculated that the exact date could be March 25, which he himself admitted that happened at the end of the month, so the event gradually got associated with the religious feast of the Annunciation.


Besides Greece and Cyprus, the Independence Day of Greece is also celebrated by many Greeks abroad, a large procession became common in the cities all around the Unites States where the Greeks have made their homes, including Boston and New York.


Every year, the US president announces the proclamation which reminds citizens of the contributions of Greece to democracy, and all current contributions help the Greeks in their new communities around the world.

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