Photographers of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dzenad Dzino -one of the best photographers in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

A photo is worth a thousand words, they say. For Dzenad Dzino the heart and mind are the true lens of the camera.

Dzenad Dzino ‘s photos capture the beauty of  Bosnia and Herzegovina, through objects, nature and people. From his photos we can feel that Dzenad loves being outside. He loves hiking through the woods, looking at flowers and watching animals run around. His photography gives us appreciation for the world and the country we live in. These photo take us to places for extended periods of time, and an opportunity to see and experience things we sometimes take for granted.

We have carefully selected ten great examples of “All beauties of Bosnia and Herzegovina” photography to delight and inspire you.

1. Good night

Good night by Dženad Džino on

2. Mountains in the mirror

Mountains in the mirror by Dženad Džino on

3. Old Bridge

Old Bridge by Dženad Džino on

4. Ice home

Ice home by Dženad Džino on

5. Old cemetery

Old cemetery by Dženad Džino on

6. Old train

Old train by Dženad Džino on

7. Home sweet home

Home sweet home by Dženad Džino on

8. Mosque Lukomir

Mosque Lukomir by Dženad Džino on

9. Ice mirror

Ice mirror by Dženad Džino on

10. Monastery Scit

Mmonastery - Šćit by Dženad Džino on

If you’re planning a trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina and you care deeply about photography, you’ve found the right man. Dzenad will tell the story of your trip with distinctive imagery.

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