Artistic representation of the historic city of Mostar

Artistic representation of the historic city of Mostar

Creativity can be expressed in numerous different ways and each one of them develops human senses and explores the notions of beauty and art. Many artists know the importance of starting a visual journal practice as a way to nurture your own creativity.

One of them has the simple nick Rose on her Instagram account (@r.g_art).  This talented woman creates her virtual sketchbook on Instagram and shares it with the world.

During her recent trips, the historic streets of the Old town in Mostar served her as an inspiration for creating a drawing of Mostar.

Using just pencil, she drew a sketch from a photo of Mostar. Step by step, her work came into a video where you can see her hand moving as she draws each line on the image from Mostar. The image represents one of the scenic cobblestone streets in the narrow čaršija area of the Old Town.

Evoking the spirit of past Ottoman times and culture, this area is full of shops where you can find handcrafts, art work, souvenirs and colorful Turkish rugs.

Many crafts and trades developed during the 16th century in Mostar. Back then the čaršija (carshiya ) had more than 30 various types of crafts.

In case you have missed it, read our previous article – What to buy in Mostar.

Today we are happy to see that even after all of this time, the narrow streets of čaršija in Mostar still inspire people from all over the world to create even more art.

Inktober day 3. (Just realised a market scene is quite good for ‘collect’ maybe I’ll give the prompt thing a ago!) ✏❤✒ I decided to try and make a drawing time lapse. If you’ve been following me then you know movie making is not my top skill! I made a ‘tripod’ out of an old ice cream tub, cheese grater and elastic band. For real. This is my next postcard from my recent travels – drawn from a lovely photo by @creativekidney in Mostar. If you want to buy a scarf ir a backpack this is the place to go! It also has a really nice bridge. As you can see I penciled out most of this one, I’m still getting used to the scale and details. I’m planning to try and colour this one, a task that is taking much longer than I expected. So today you get the first stage and hopefully later this week I’ll be able to show you the fully coloured finished version (if I don’t ruin it!) PS. This is the song I was listening to while drawing. #inktober #inktober2016 #pendrawing #inkdrawing #penandink #penfreaks #linedrawing #fineliner #micron #micronart #pigmamicron #micronpens #blackandwhite #illustration #traveldrawing #travelsketch #sketch #postcard #souvenir #mostar #bosniaandherzegovina #timelapse #usk #market #street #artist #draweveryday #sketcheveryday #toadtrip16

A video posted by Rose ? (@r.g_art) on

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