See the World From Your Home With Google Earth VR


The Google technology company has become a unique global phenomenon in the recent years. Google’s other enterprises include Internet analytics, cloud computing, advertising technologies, and Web app, browser and operating system development.

Today as one of their development directions, they offer travel information via Google Flights and Google Trips. These two will help you instantly plan and organize your trips, automatically discover new sights, and effortlessly track your travel info

Have you heard about virtual reality? How about combining travel and virtual reality?

Google has introduced Google Earth VR, the next step to help the world see the world. With Earth VR, you can fly over a city, stand at the edge of a mountain, and even soar into space.

How to experience Google Earth VR? It is available now on Steam for the HTC Vive.

Now you don`t have to leave your home to experience and see the world. Explore the world from totally new perspectives. Stroll the streets of Tokyo, soar over Yosemite, or teleport across the globe.

Google Earth VR puts the whole world within your reach. Take a peek at some of the incredible sights you’ll experience along the way in the preview gallery below.

It is a mission to bring amazing experiences to the world.

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