Due to its cultural and historical importance, as well as its preserved traditional artifacts, the Muslibegovič House is a unique tourist destination in Mostar.
This residential complex of unique architecture was inscribed on the list of national monuments and has a dual function, as a harmonic museum with educational component, and as a top class hotel in the category of cultural and historic heritage.
This complex was built three centuries ago and covers over 500 square meters.
Its residential part and outhouses with authentic water reservoir are completely separated. Due to care of the owners, each original detail has been preserved.
The complex is particularly interesting because it did not follow the typical architectural standards of that time, as it was built towards the end of the Ottoman period and shows visible influences of the European styles.

The Muslibegović House is also Bosnian national monument. The Muslibegovics represent a noble lineage in Hercegovina, a where its members were governors for many centuries. Members of this noble family establish themselves in Mostar at the end of the 17th century following the fall of Herceg-Novi the to the Venetians in 1687. At that time, the Muslibegovic is owned property all over Herzegovinia and continue to exert substantial influence over social and political affairs in the region.
The monument complex includes a residential building and two courtyards, including the surrounding walls with entrance gateways, and movable property. Some of its most valuable exhibits include the manuscript of the Qur’an made by Sami (a pupil of Hajji Hafiz Muhamed Sevkije), levhas from 1855, and a decorated sabre from 1866.
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