Messages of love, peace and works of mercy sent from the 27th Youth Festival in Međugorje

The 27th Youth Festival in Međugorje (MladiFest) is happening this week.

Despite the very hot temperatures in the region of Herzegovina, thousands of young people from all over the world gathered together to send messages of peace and love for humanity and the future of the whole world.

The opening mass took place at the Church of St. James, where fra Miljenko held the mass together with 320 priests from all over the world.

More than 330.00 thousands of people watched the opening over the internet and they used the #medjugorjeyouthfestival to create a beautiful feed of photos and messages of love across the social media networks.

Considering the troubled times we live now, the theme for this year’s Youth Festival was: BE MERCIFUL!

People who gathered and joined the mass could see boards with names of the countries such as: Switzerland, Brazil, Croatia, Portugal, Vietnam, Argentina, Angola, Benin, Ecuador, Haiti, Guatemala, Italy, Congo, Macau, Nigeria, Germany, Slovenia and much more.

Young people talked about the works of mercy that each individual can do every day:

– Feed the hungry

– Give drink to the thirsty

– Clothe the naked

– Give shelter to homeless

– Visit the sick

– Visit the imprisoned

– Bury the dead

– Counsel the doubtful

– Instruct the ignorant

– Admonish sinners

– Comfort the sorrowful

– Forgive all injuries

– Bear wrongs patiently

– Pray for the living and for the dead

These good works are sending a universal message to the whole humanity, each religion, young or old, healthy or sick, fat or skinny, rich or poor.

Choose one deed and start step by step, together we can change the world.

The world needs love, compassion, and peace to make it a better place for tomorrow.

Tour Guide Mostar team joins this peaceful movement and we hope for better tomorrow.

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