Madame Tussauds Istanbul 2017-min
Holiday Travel

Madame Tussauds Istanbul 2017

March 28, 2017 Tour Guide Mostar 0

In the early 19-th century, a 42 year old Marie Gresholtz touched base in London ,with her four-year-old child and three wax statues.  The son was the product of a short-lived marriage to one  Tussaud; the three […]


Best Balkan cities to visit

February 23, 2017 Tour Guide Mostar 0

Balkans is the historical and geographical region of Southeast Europe, and it is often referred to as the peninsula of South Eastern Europe, and is located between the Adriatic and the Black Sea. Given the […]


The principles of packing

February 18, 2017 Tour Guide Mostar 0

If you’re going on a  trip, the last thing you want is to haul huge amounts of luggage everywhere you go . And every time you check your bag, you risk losing it, having items […]

Social Media

Google Tour Guide

February 2, 2017 Tour Guide Mostar 0

Today in the world of fast growing internet media and knowledge, the Google Company is the undisputed star. This American multinational technology company is specializing in Internet-related services and products that include online advertising technologies, […]