The Minbar, another striking architecture attraction

The Minbar in the Koski Mehmed Pasha Mosque.

The minbar  is a pulpit in the mosque where the imam stands to deliver sermons (khutbah) or in the Hussainia where the speaker sits and lectures the congregation.

Some believe that the decoration of the minbar is a part of the sunnah, as it is usually shaped like a small tower with a pointed roof and stairs leading up to it. The prophet Muhammed used only a platform with three steps.

The minbar is located to the right of the mihrab, the niche that indicates the direction of prayer (i.e. towards Mecca). The minbar is also a symbol of authority.

In some mosques there is a platform, opposite the minbar where the muezzin, stands during prayer alongside the imam. The muezzin recites the answers to the prayers where applicable.

The oldest Islamic minbar from the 9th century is located in the Great Mosque of Kairouan (in the city of Kairouan in Tunisia). It is an eleven-step staircase made of carved and sculptured teak wood. Composed of an assembly of over three hundred finely sculpted parts, this minbar is considered to be a jewel of Islamic wooden art.

The minbar helps to amplify the voice of the speaker. In modern times, microphones are also used for this purpose. The traditional minbar is a common element of Islamic mosque architecture throughout the world.

The Koski Mehmed Pasha Mosque also features other architectural attractions such as the dome of a mosque, symbolic representation of heaven;  and the mihrab, which is most important element in any mosque because it  indicates the direction of Mecca.

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