UNESCO mosque in Mostar


When the Ottoman Empire arrived to the Herzegovina area in the 15th century, many mosques were built. According to the records they were built in the places where there were settlements or military camps. The area around the mosques usually got their names according to those who built them.

Standing on the right bank of the Neretva River, about 100 meters from the iconic Old Bridge, is the Hadži-Kurt Mosque, locally called Tabačica.

It was built between the 16th and 17th century, under the sponsorship of Hadzi-Kurt, one of the members of the respected Kurt family which was one of the oldest families from Mostar.

Its name derives from tabaci (men who worked with leather) and Tabačica is situated in the Tabhana area where many workshops and leather crafts were developed.

In the past these workers left their workshops and entered the mosque when it was time for the prayer.

This mosque was built on one branch of the river Radobolja and then vaulted with two stone arches.  Everything was built from hewn stone and then covered with larimer roof top. The munara is about 20 meters high and stands on the right side of the mosque.

What is so special about this mosque? It is quite unique and today this is the only mosque where both mahfils (the gallery in mosque where women would say prayers) are preserved, the one inside and the one outside the mosque.

From there emerged the locally known words: “This is the mosque where the imam sits on the dry while the džemat (group of people who pray together) are on water.

Today this mosque is opened for visitors and many of them leave being amazed by its architecture.  The area around the mosque still has many shops with local souvenirs and crafts are sold.

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