The ethnic wardrobe of the women, main styles and elements

The wardrobe of the women who lived in the city during the 19th century is probably the most interesting for us. As we mentioned before, the main differentiation and style can be seen depending if people lived in the country or in the city; after that comes the social status.

Read more about the traditional dressing and ethnic elements in wardrobe in our previous post.

The typical women`s outfit consisted of thin cotton shirt but some were also made of silk called “Beza”. It was tailored and with a deep neckline at the chest. This shirt was combined with wide-leg pants made of thicker cloth.

For the upper body, women wore a fermeni (a type sleeveless waistcoat, open on the chest) and a ječerma which was tailored from silk or velvet, adorned with gold bands or gold embroidery.

Married women would also wear a anterija, which is a long dress embroidered with ornamented details and colorful ribbons. It was all about the layering clothes. They also used belts to accentuate the waist but everything needed to be decorated and planned. Women would wear cotton socks and shoes made of leather.

The Muslim women wore jemenije (a blend between slippers and shoes). For their heads, women would wear fez with flowers or gable-caps with silver tepeluk at the crown and fringe of black silk around.

When leaving the house, Muslim women wore a feredža, which would cover their hair and their silhouette. Feredža was a long sleeved coat and it was sometimes embroidered. The face and forehead would be covered with čember, while jašmak would cover the mouth and it was tied to the head.

The wives of the Beys would also wear a peca, which was a piece of black cloth put around their mouth, so that only their eyes could be seen. These women would also wear tomake, leather boots that came in yellow color.

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